Imaginative group play can look like a herd of cats romping around, and sound like a cacophony of bird calls BUT….so much creativity is happening! Today this chaos included potions, boat making and boat sinking, bridge building, searches for the tallest garlic mustard, and leaf masks turning into a character called Leafy. There was even a murderous twist. Get the story of backwoods wander time today. I can reveal that it ended in a jury presenting a verdict followed by a lively discussion about an appropriate sentence.

Today, we focused on slowing down, acclimatizing to being outdoors all day in the heat and taking in the changes that have happened this week. Starting in the hayloft was a new twist, but we could feel the temperature starting to climb and knew it was time to head out. Check in with how your child felt throughout the day and if they had all they needed to feel comfortable.

Every living thing needs water. We formed a bucket brigade to keep our new plantings happy. What trees did we make sure had a good soaking?

We found our topic through a step-by-step drawing in our sketchbooks. This will come home at the end of the session. We found that breaking a complicated picture down allows everyone to feel success. Then onto the trail and everywhere is green, the winter wheat is over our heads and burdock leaves are like umbrellas. Next week we think the croplands will be bare. Why?
Fish were the main event today, which made Salmon very happy! Which fish did you study with a partner? Can you remember some facts and give a description of your fish including; size/shape, markings, and parts of the body? What other fish did we learn about today? This fishy lesson involved partner reading and moderating of our sharing by our stronger readers. This offers a great way to stretch skills and give opportunities to be a teacher.

Lunch with friends under the maples with a nice breeze makes for a pretty sweet picnic. Who did your child eat with and did they manage to eat most of their food? After lunch was a mix of sponge tossing, plant watering and cleaning. Thank you team for making the canoe and my horse trailer sparkle!

Farm chores were a lot of fun! You may notice a certain odour that will tell you exactly what we were up to. Thanks to Oak for leading the mucking, filling the wheelbarrow and taking manure out. What horse feed was prepared for our herd? Everyone had a job, what was yours?
Another job was cleaning tack. It was a boys versus girls battle for the top shiny western saddle. It was so close. Who won?

Jester was feeling the heat and needed a bath. Wow, he looks so much better now:)

Journal time today was in a new space called 'The Cave'. Ask about this cool spot and take a look at their fish picture in nature journals along with facts from our learning today.
This group rocked the first very hot day with style. Thank you to parents for sending them so well prepared and ready for adventure. Great ideas were shared about special day possibilities next month. Look for an announcement soon!

See you for more playful fun in June Forest Friends:)
