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Wee Wonder

Stoneridge Farm welcomed the tiny acorns (toddlers) and the big oaks (caregivers) again to learn how to connect with nature, move, wander in nature, and make some new friends.

Our senses really do help us to explore outdoors! What does your child remember about what they saw, heard or smelled? Everyone saw something blue today and it was empty. I wonder what happened?

At the big oak tree, we tried to stick old oak leaves on the tree trunk but it didn’t work very well. When we looked up, we noticed that the tree had buds. These buds will be the leaves someday soon. The birds were everywhere today. We listened for a moment to hear the song of a red winged blackbird and a song sparrow. How many birds did you see today?

Down at Pine Haven a short story called Have you heard the nesting bird? was read by Dragonfly. Such a good book about nesting birds and bird songs. Maybe you want to read this one again? After robins hatch out of the egg, they will feed the young birds worms. What colour worm did your child pick? Were they able to find it again?

Snack time was back at the campfire pit and there was even a little time to go meet the horses Jester, Scarlet and Sable.

Back on the trail, we pretended to be birds. Collecting some things from the trail which birds might use to make a nest. Our nests were hard to make with our tiny fingers. With our feathers in our hands we tried to fly. These birds also found eggs along the trail too. What surprise did your child hide inside? Little activities like collecting things along the trails will help keep your child moving and connecting to nature.

Birds are amazing and so much is happening in spring! I wonder if the oak tree will have leaves on the tree next time we are here? See you next week Forest Friends:)


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