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Three Cheers For Winter!

The magic of taking on a project is that it starts as a tiny seed of an idea and ends up blossoming into something you may not even have imagined!  We see it all the time in nature. See if you can come up with 5 things in nature that start as one thing and end up as another. Which one do you think is the most amazing?

Think about our winter celebration project. We all agreed that what started out as a piece of basswood is gradually being transformed into a unique snow snake. Which tool has helped you the most - a whittling knife, a paring knife, or sandpaper? What still needs to be done for your snake to be ready to race?

Sometimes one project leads to another! Thank you to Firefly and Blue Racer. You three worked hard to make sure we have a snow track ready for next week. After testing different areas of the hill beside the hall, it was decided that the track the Turtles made on Tuesday was the best option. If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, you can always find a stick and practice your snow snake throwing technique.

What kind of tracks did we notice today around the hall and in Mystery Forest?

Good job, Hummingbird for identifying Mr. Raccoon’s waddling tracks. We thought it looked like he was going to check his mail! Deer prints were everywhere in the forest as well as some other evidence they leave behind. Wolf decided to leave her own perfect walker tracks on the way back.

Blue Racer and Water Bear whittled their time away in the forest. Just like the Gall Fly larva we discovered a few weeks ago, Blue Racer found more examples of how other insects survive the winter.

Which other winter insect did we read about? See if you can name all 4 stages of its life cycle, especially the last stage. There was a lot of discussion about whether a Woolly Bear caterpillar can predict the kind of winter we are going to have. What did Dr. Howard Curran discover after studying the Wooly Bear caterpillars for years? Do you believe what the Farmer’s Almanac says or Dr. Curran?

February was the last day of ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ month. I wonder how many times you were kind to people? Even today, we all helped each other with things like finding items for the scavenger hunt, whittling snow snakes, pulling sleds up the hill, telling someone how to spell a word, carrying the wander bag. 

Tamarack is always gifting us with random acts of kindness and today she shared a lovely poem so that it would inspire us to write our own. It worked! Fox wrote about the beach and made her words flow in waves. Water Bear’s poem took on the shape of a deer as he included information about how they look and behave. Owl used lovely language to describe the arrival of spring. Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the people in St. Marys when they stop and read our nature poems in the windows of the stores?

Sometimes school has days that are just too fun to miss! Here's our own Sunflower as actor Annie for career day. We'll hear all about it next week:)

Looking forward to celebrating the last day of our winter program together next Friday!


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