Winter allows us to explore our natural environment in different ways. Looking for opportunities to make the most of what winter throws at us is something you do well as nature school kids. Think back to all of the things we did this winter. Which activities or experiences have become some of your favourite memories?

We tried to imagine ourselves living in the Canadian Arctic where winter lasts for 9 months and summer lasts for 3 months. We tried to put ourselves in their ‘mukluks’ and wondered what they do to celebrate the snow and cold. We learned that every year they participate in the Arctic Winter games (a little like our winter Olympics) which help them to become better hunters and fishermen. Can you remember what some of the events are? Tell someone at home more about the Blanket Toss and how we did as a ‘community’ keeping Little Beaver on the blanket.

Just like the Haudenosaunee at this time of year, we have been working hard whittling and sanding our snow snakes. Today Ant Man joined us to help us put the finishing touches on our snakes. How did he help you get your snake ready for the competition?
Thanks for your help, Ant Man!
Poetry writing also gave us a chance to think about the beauty of nature in winter. Alizon and Joanne from the St. Marys Poetry circle came to see us and shared some of their nature poems with us. How did they inspire you? We loved how Rose wrote: “Snowflakes dancing in the breeze” as well as how Fox wrote her poem, ‘The Beach’ so that it looked like her words were the waves. We are looking forward to our poems being posted in the windows of the stores in downtown St. Marys in April.
Before heading to Mystery Forest, Ant Man and Raccoon tested out the beautiful track he had made for us in the morning. Whose snake slid the farthest down the track? Did you think your snake would slide even farther?
On the way to Mystery Forest, we stopped to look across to the West side. Can you close your eyes and recall what it looked like? Now try to imagine what it will look like when we return in 3 weeks. What will you miss the most about Harrington in the winter?

Winter wander activities included whittling, building a shelter for a rabbit, and imaginary play. Water Bear noticed there were fewer animal tracks this time. Do you remember the perfect walkers who left us so many tracks last week? Why do you think the deer didn’t visit Mystery as often this week? Tamarack said she noticed a number of white tails running into the bush on the other side of the field.
In library, we had a conversation about whether or not the sap was starting to run. Most of you who tap trees said that it has. When you listened to the book, “Taffy Time” what connections did you make? Even though maple syrup is thought of as a spring activity, we realized that without winter, we wouldn’t have any to put on our pancakes. Just another wonder of winter!
Let's share our craft creations from library. Talk about your paper bag princess and maybe make up a story with them as the main character.
After putting a lot of ‘elbow grease’ into our snakes, we prepared for our tournament by filling up on cornbread and hot chocolate. Some snow snakes refused to stay on the track and some just ran out of gas. Tell the story of how your snow snake did. Is there anything you would do differently next time?

Our first 3 finishers were Owl (first place), Wolf (second place) and Rose (third place). However, each of you deserves a first place ribbon for showing that even in winter, you can find ways to have a lot of fun outdoors!
The next time we see each other will be March 28. Do you think there will be any wonders of winter left out at Harrington or maybe some new spring surprises? Can’t wait to find out!
