Now it’s time to say goodbye to our first Acorns & Oaks group here at Stoneridge Farm. Thank you parents/grandparents; you were watchful and strong Oaks for your little acorns, and made this experience full of WONDER. Letting that natural curiousity in children guide the learning can be tricky, but you Oaks were masterful at keeping the flow of caring for the land and each other going throughout our time together.

It is always fun to head back through the tunnel to our log circle. The story today “Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse” by Lindsay Barrett-George, scampers us through the life of a house mouse and wild mouse introducing lots of dangers and objects along the way. We loved making our chalk mouse holes on the mat, adding cones, sticks, pine needles and flowers to feed our imaginary mouse. Watch out for those cats little mice!

Happiness is time spent in the creek, adding some funnel fun and finding SO many crayfish to look at up close. Even the adults have fun with clay!

Our new space at Pine Tree Hill really sparked energy for climbing. We got right to work on creating our nature desserts. Letting our noses be the guide, we tested the scent of fresh herbs, essential oils, and found items on the ground to choose just the right mix. Pounding with mortar & pestle or hammers was a great way to get the best smell and use our muscles to make that perfect recipe.

We got to say hello to the horse herd, but puppies were fun to visit too! Helping in the barn to get the hay in stalls and clean up the floors seemed to be a favourite activity. Maybe we need to have these helping hands back for mucking out the barn!

Our visit wouldn't be complete without a trip to the hen house.

With our goodbye circle finished, we just weren’t ready to head home before sitting up on the tractor, steering, and pretending to honk the horn. Such a great experience at the farm!

Memories are strengthened by recounting experiences, sharing them with family and friends. Ask your child to tell stories about their favourite place on the farm, a small discovery, one living creature in the creek, or a special part of the daily story. I hope you have lots of wonderful memories of your time at nature school this session.

So long for now Forest Friends. Hope to see you along the trail sometime soon!
