First day with Acorns & Oaks in fall at Stoneridge. Our new little acorns were very curious about the trees, plants and of course, the animals around the farm.
We always begin by building that sense of discovery, opening those ‘keen observer’ eyes. We looked for small treasures like feathers, sticks, vines with new wild cucumbers, and the hairy tops of corn cobs. Feeling the slimy insides of seed pods is a way to show how tiny hiding things can be so wonderful to experience.
The creek is still full of crayfish and children with parents helping netted and counted 8 big and small. It always feels too soon to leave this waterway, there is SO much to see!
The rain did come, but we stayed cozy in the barn loft for our snacktime. The horses were ready for pats and chickens had a few eggs covered in their straw laying box.
. We look forward to trying more new things and exploring again next Monday.
So long for now Forest Friends.