About Forest and Nature Schools
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If you are interested in learning more about the Forest School movement and nature connection, take a look at the following books, websites and organizations for more information:
Last Child in the Woods
by Richard Louv
Coyote's Guide to Connecting With Nature
by Jon Young, Evan McGown, Ellen Haas
Forest and Nature School in Canada: A Head, Heart, Hands Approach to Outdoor Learning
by Forest School Canada
Forest School and Outdoor Learning in the Early Years
by Sara Knight
Here is a parent perspective on nature school:
My Kid's New Favourite Place To Go
Additional guidance can be found in these excellent links:
Resources for Administrator from Learning for a Sustainable Future
Resources for Educators from Learning for a Sustainable Future
Five Reasons to Take your Class Outside
Outdoor Classroom Management Tips
Outdoor Learning for Reopening: 5 Tips of Educators
Benefits to Using the School Grounds for Learning
Into Nature: A Guide to Teaching in Nearby Nature
Nature as a Classroom: How to Start Teaching Students Outdoors
Connecting with Nature to Care for Ourselves and the Earth: Recommendations for Decision Makers
Environmental and Outdoor Education: Key to Equitably Reopening Schools